Talking About...Intellectual Property and Theft: Is downloading of pirated books not stealing?

How is downloading of pirated books not stealing?
Oh, of course, it’s stealing. Absolutely.
As a writer with a couple of self-published books among my credits, I’m incensed when people (mainly males between 16 and 30) try to justify piracy in all sorts of ways. They’ll flatly straight-up tell you that “Piracy isn’t theft” if a person copies a published work (either hard-copy or digital; format doesn’t matter) and distributes it without the author’s permission.
Save Me the Aisle Seat book cover. © 2012 Alex Diaz-Granados and CreateSpace (now Kindle Direct Publishing)

I don’t think so.
It doesn’t matter if the pirate is stealing my work for profit or in a “Robin Hood” gesture of taking something from the creator and giving it to those who “can’t pay.”
It’s illegal.
It’s unethical.
Piracy is theft.
Simple as that.


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