Audiobook Review: 'William Shakespeare's Star Wars Collection'
(C) 2014 Random House Audio, Lucasfilm Ltd. (LFL), and The Walt Disney Company. Illustrations by Nicolas Delort The year 2017 marks the 40th (Ruby) Anniversary of the theatrical debut of writer-director George Lucas's space-fantasy film Star Wars, aka Star Wars - Episode IV: A New Hope. In honor of the occasion, many of the storied franchise's licensees have released enough 40th Anniversary merchandise to fill a Star Destroyer's cargo hold. As a result, Marvel Comics, Del Rey Books, and even smaller publishers like Quirk Books have published new Star Wars books, including Star Wars: Thrawn, Star Wars: From A Certain Point of View, and the long-awaited William Shakespeare's The Force Doth Awaken: Star Wars Part the Seventh, the latter two being published in October. The Force Awakens gets the Ian Doescher treatment in William Shakespeare's The Force Doth Awaken: Star Wars Part the Seventh (C) 2017 Quirk Books and Lucasfilm Ltd. (LFL) Random Hou...