Writer's Corner: Q&A About 'Reunion: A Story': On Writing a Novel or Sequel
(C) 2018 Alex Diaz-Granados and CreateSpace (an Amazon company) Q.: Now that the story has been on Amazon for 10 days or so and has gotten good reviews - one reader wrote, "I really enjoyed reading this story. The author's descriptive writing brought me back to high school. Really made me think about the 'what ifs' in life." - what are your plans for Reunion ? Will you expand it into a novel? Will there be a sequel? A.: Before I decided to go ahead and publish Reunion: A Story "as is," I considered expanding it into a longer book, perhaps a novella at the very least. After all, the story expanded outward from one short scene into a fully-fledged short story once, so why not try expanding it further. There are a lot of references in the backstory - Jim's breakup with his first girlfriend, for instance, or maybe the whole business with Jim asking Marty to sing a duet with him at the (sadly) canceled Spring Concert - that could have been expl...