
Showing posts with the label Star Wars: The Last Jedi

'Star Wars' Book News: Ian Doescher's 'Jedi the Last' Due Out in July 2018

Cover art by Nicolas Delort. (C) 2018 Quirk Books and Lucasfilm Ltd. (LFL) Zounds! Fans of the William Shakespeare's Star Wars series, rejoice. The eighth book in the series of Shakespearian plays set "a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away" will hit bookstores in our galaxy this summer.  Long-time Shakespeare buff (and life-long Star Wars fan) Ian Doescher has taken writer-director Rian Johnson's Star Wars: The Last Jedi and re-imagined it as a four-act play written in the Elizabethan era by none other than the Bard of Avon himself.  Quirk Books of Philadelphia will release the resulting book, Jedi the Last: Star Wars, Part the Eighth on July 10, 2018 in hardcover, e-book, and audio editions. The Star Wars saga continues, with adventure and surprises galore! In the aftermath of Han Solo's death and the return of Luke Skywalker, what secrets will be revealed, what mysteries will deepen, and who will join the struggle to bring peace and ...