Old Gamers Never Die, or: Victory at Last in Strategic Command WWII: World at War
One down (Germany), two (Finland, Japan) to go: the Allies defeat the Axis' most powerful nation-state in Europe in 1944: Triumph and Tragedy. © 2018 Fury Software/Matrix Games and Slitherine Ltd. Well, ladies and gentlemen, I finally did it: I played a complete scenario in Strategic Command WWII: World At War.... and won. Nemesis: The Western Allies and the Red Army overrun Nazi Germany in the fall of 1945. © 2018 Fury Software/Matrix Games and Slitherine Ltd. Yesterday was Sunday; I didn't have any good ideas for a blog post, and because my latest script is now in the hands of the director (Juan Carlos Hernandez), I also didn't have any pressing outside obligations to fulfill, so I took the day off from writing. Even though I used to play computer games when I was younger, I don't devote too much time to gaming as I used to. Yesterday I had plenty of options as far as entertainment was concerned: three new books to read, lots of movies and old TV s...