Talking Culture: 'The Last Jedi' bashing, angry fanboys, and the Star Wars franchise

(C) 2017 Lucasfilm Ltd. and Dolby Labs Today's question is: Why do a lot of fanboys hate ‘The Last Jedi’? I’m probably going to get a lot of flak from some of the angry fanboys that this question is about, but since I am a Star Wars fan of the 1977 Generation, I’ll give you my two credits’ worth. Star Wars fanboy angst is not a new phenomenon. It’s probably been around since the first movie premiered 40 years ago ( Oh, See Threepio is too silly! ). I first became aware of it when fans who were 10, 11, or even 12 when Star Wars came out in 1977 and didn’t notice some of the kid-friendly humor in it suddenly became aware of the kid-friendly Ewoks in 1983’s Return of the Jedi …and started grousing that Lucas had invented the “teddy bears” just to sell more toys. (There were other issues that fans groused about, but Ewok-hate was the trendy topic among the angry-fanboy crowd.) (C) 1983 Luc...