Talking About Movies: Reboots and Remakes versus Original Content

© 2013 Warner Bros. and DC Entertainment On Quora, Jason Handleman asks: Do you look forward to cinematic reboots and remakes or do you prefer original, untested offerings? My reply: It really depends on the film and/or genre, as well as other considerations, such as who is making the reboot/remake, the cast, as well as the why. For instance, I would not care for remakes of such films as Casablanca, North by Northwest, Jaws, the original Star Wars Trilogy, Raiders of the Lost Ark, or Stand By Me. Those are films that are representative of the times in which they were made, and no matter how hard one tries, they can’t be replicated and be expected to catch lightning in a bottle twice. I am open to remakes and/or reboots of comic book movies; DC and Marvel Comics reboot their established titles every so often, so if the source material can be revamped by their respective publishers, then their movie a...