Old Gamers Never Die: It's North vs. South in 'Ultimate General: Civil War'

© 2017 Game-Labs Hi, there! I know I haven't posted much here, but between writing posts for A Certain Point of View, Too , working on a screenplay, and gaming every so often, I find it difficult to carve time to post here regularly. If it weren't that I've had this blog for so many years already, I'd probably call it a day and just focus on my WordPress blog. But, since I have already invested a lot of time and work into A Certain Point of View , I will just submit posts here when I can. © 2017 Game-Labs Speaking of gaming, I have been playing two Civil War-based computer games published by a Romanian company called Game-Labs. One is Ultimate General: Gettysburg (2014) , and the other is its more ambitious sequel, Ultimate General: Civil War (2014) . I am not a die-hard Civil War buff, but I know enough about the bloodiest war in American history to at least try out a few wargames set in that conflict. I currently own four such games; in addition to the Ultimate G...