Through a Mirror Darkly, or Life in the Time of Coronavirus COVID-19: The Saga Continues

The number of confirmed cases and fatalities as of March 15, 2019. Credit: Johns Hopkins University. Life in America in the time of Coronavirus-19 (COVID-19): An ex-beauty queen from Nevada, Katie Williams , has become the poster child for entitled, coddled, and contrarian conservatives who laugh in the face of the COVID-19 outbreak. On Saturday, Ms.Williams, who became notorious last year as the Trump-supporting Miss Nevada who was uncrowned by the Miss Nevada organization for violating its ban on political commentary on social media by contestants, bragged about going to a local Red Robin burger joint in defiance of the federal government's recommendation of social distancing to prevent COVID-19's spread. In response to a tweet by Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY 14 District) that called for young adults (in the 20-30 age bracket) to avoid gathering at restaurants and bars to help contain the coronavirus, Ms. Williams had this to say: Screenshot of the infamous ...