A Recent Amazon Review for 'Reunion: A Story' by Pooja (P.J.) Gudka

©2018, 2023 Alex Diaz-Granados “On the Good News Front” Post It gives me immense pleasure to present the recent Amazon appraisal of my novella "Reunion: A Story", penned by the eloquent and cultured critic Pooja Gudka, whose talents span blogging, poetry, and history. She has graciously lavished admiration on my literary creation, for which I am deeply appreciative. Her discerning and perceptive commentary was as follows: The plot was what drew me to the story. I’m not usually drawn to romance novels or anything particular romantic. But the summary for this book really drew me in because it’s something most of us can relate to- lost love. We all have “the one that got away.” Well, most of us anyway. Also, as a historian myself I loved that Garraty’s character was a historian and was intrigued by that. The author also explores multiple philosophical aspects of life such as true love, happiness, friendships, loss and regret. Things most adults are familiar with. We also learn ...