Book Review: 'Goal Setting: Discover What You Want in Life and Achieve It Faster than You Think Possible'
(C) 2011 K. Akhter and CreateSpace Publishing Platform I have discovered that as a writer, online reviewer and even runner of a household, it is vitally important to set goals - whether on a big scale that affects my writing career or the smaller day-to-day scale that guides what meal to prepare, what bills to pay and what leisure activity to pursue. Now, there are people who have the good fortune to innately set goals for themselves and meet them without really having to "try" hard to do so, but most of us - myself included - need, at some point, a guide to help us map out a path to success in almost every possible endeavor we choose to undertake. K. Akhter's book Goal Setting: Discover What You Want in Life and Achieve It Faster than You Think Possible is a very good guide to help the average reader to conceive actionable plans, figure out what steps to take and obstacles to overcome, discern the costs and benefits of goal setting, and how to organi...