'Star Wars' Collectibles & Toys Review: Hasbro 'Star Wars: The Legacy Collection Battle Packs: Clone Attack on Coruscant'

Photo Credit: Gofigureactionfigures.com. (C) 2008 Hasbro, Inc. and Lucasfilm Ltd. (LFL) In 2008, three years after the premiere of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, Hasbro released a series of multi-figure sets called Battle Packs. Similar in concept to the Cinema Scenes from Kenner/Hasbro’s The Power of the Force 2 and Star Wars: Episode I lines and the later Star Wars Saga collection’s Screen Scenes, the Battle Packs in the Star Wars Legacy line blended multiple figures and a photorealistic backdrop to recreate scenes from the Star Wars movie series, The major difference between the Star Wars Legacy sets and their precursors from older product lines is that they featured more than three action figures per set. The average number of figures per set was four, although some, including Clone Attack on Coruscant, came with five action figures and their accessories. Hasbro produced 16 “wide release” Battle Packs and two “exclusive” sets between 2...