'Star Wars' Collectibles & Toys Review: Hasbro 'Star Wars Saga Screen Scene Pack: Geonosian War Room 2'

Photo Credit: www.reservoir.com. (C) 2003 Hasbro Inc. and Lucasfilm Ltd. (LFL) In a conference room on Geonosis, leaders of the Confederacy of Independent Systems watch Republic and Separatist forces engage in what will become the first battle of the Clone Wars. unscrupulous opportunists who will do anything that will benefit them financially, they ally with Count Dooku to advance their own interests. - Package blurb, Geonosian War Room 2, Star Wars Saga Screen Scene, 2003 In 2002, Hasbro phased out its Power of the Jedi line of Star Wars toys and collectibles. In its place, the Rhode Island-based toy manufacturer introduced a new product line simply called Star Wars. As with the previous Star Wars- themed collection, Hasbro rolled out several waves of new “basic” figures, vehicles, playsets, deluxe figures, and screen scenes that spanned the entire Star Wars saga rather than just a specific film. Consequently, many fans and collectors started calling the 20...