'Star Wars' Collectibles & Toys Review: Hasbro 'Star Wars Saga Screen Scene Pack: Geonosian War Room 1'

Photo Credit:www.reservoir.com. (C) 2003 Hasbro Inc. and Lucasfilm Ltd. (LFL) 

Deep in the termite-like chambers of Geonosis, the leaders of the Confederacy of Independent Systems tensely look at a holographic battle display and watch in dismay as the Galactic Republic's new army of clones and a group of Jedi Knights appear to be on the verge of defeating the secessionists' army of battle droids. San Hill, leader of the Banking Clan, and Geonosian leader Poggle the Lesser stare helplessly at the conference table, while the more confident Count Dooku calmly retrieves the schematics of a terrible new superweapon as he prepares to leave for Coruscant.

Hasbro's Star Wars Saga Screen Scene Pack: Geonosian War Room 1 vividly recreates a pivotal scene of 2002's Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones with the action figures of San Hill, Count Dooku, and Poggle the Lesser, with half of the holographic light table (complete with simulated holo displays of Republic gunships and walking "vulture" battle droids) in the foreground and a nicely rendered backdrop of the Geonosian underground chamber's wall.

In a conference room on Geonosis, leaders of the Confederacy of Independent Systems watch Republic and Separatist forces engage in what will become the first battle of the Clone Wars. A table displays holographic images of the various skirmishes. When Count Dooku prepares to escape, he takes with him secret plans for a deadly new weapon. – Package blurb, Geonosian War Room (Poggle the Lesser, Count Dooku & San Hill)

Poggle the Lesser leans on a cane that looks like it was carved from some beast's bone, San Hill looks properly terrified as he points at the light table, while the central figure, Count Dooku/Darth Tyrannus, holds a finely detailed (considering its size) holo of the Death Star.

Although this little diorama can be displayed "as is" in its package, it can be connected to Geonosian War Room 2, another three-figure scene pack which features Nute Gunray, Passel Argente, and Shu Mai.

My Take

Considering that these are mass-produced collectibles and realizing that it is not very easy to capture fine detail in toys that are aimed at children 4 and up (but Hasbro suspects, I'm sure, that it's adult collectors who buy these things), these are really nicely rendered 3.75-inch figures. The poses capture the mood of the film's scene well enough.

My only complaint is that both War Rooms' light tables have the same simulated holograms (two Republic Gunships very close to the central figure, a vulture droid in the extreme right foreground), which is repetitive and looks strange when you join both sets to create the illusion of a complete conference table. Other than that, the compact packaging and clear plastic top makes this and the other  Screen Scene Packs in the Star Wars figure collection  an attractive collectible nice enough to show off in a collector's display shelf.

Year: 2003

Assortment: Screen Scenes

Assortment No. : 84980/84997

Retail: $19.99

Weapons and Accessories: 

  • Holographic Battlefield Table
  • Holographic Death Star


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