Refuting Conservative Myths: Since Trump was a lifelong Democrat, why doesn't the Democratic Party accept responsibility for his alleged misbehavior?
Photo Credit: Pixabay This question was originally asked by conservative memberTrevor Hamlen on Quora as: Since President Trump was a lifelong Democrat before running for president and he polished his interpersonal skills during his formative years, would the Democrats take ownership for the very behaviors they claim him to possess? My reply: Oh, boy. It is really sad to see just how ill-informed you must be about Donald Trump, based on the wording of your question. So many distortions, so many mistaken conclusions. So, as a public service, I’ll try to educate you on the realities of Donald Trump’s political affiliation and how he changes parties to suit his whims. Let’s get started, shall we? First of all, Donald J. Trump has never been a “lifelong” member of the Democratic Party. In the mid-1980s, for instance, Trump registered as a Republican voter with the Department of Elections in Manhattan. He remained a Republican until 1999 when he registered a...