Talking About....U.S. Conservatism: Fox News seems not to dissect and interpret current developments in the Russia Probe like other channels do. Why?

Fox News seems not to dissect and interpret current developments in the Russia Probe like other channels do. Why? Are they intentionally limiting the information that their viewers receive?

As I’ve said in my previous answers to questions about Fox “News” Channel, the reason for this is simple: Fox News Channel is not a dedicated newsgathering organization. It might have a news division with real journalists for “breaking news” or their off-peak hour news programming, but in reality, Fox News is a propaganda outlet for the post-Reagan Republican Party.
For this reason, thoughtful, dispassionate, and honest dissection of such news stories as the Trump Organization’s connections to Russia and the conspiracy to basically use the Internet as a Psychological Operations (PsyOps) weapon to give Donald Trump an edge during the Presidential election in 2016 goes against Fox News Channel’s ethos. I mean, think about it. Fox News is a propaganda machine that would make Joseph Goebbels turn green with envy if he wasn’t, well, dead.
So, yes. Fox News Channel “covers” the news of the day superficially, but in a way that benefits the agenda of the Republican Party.


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