Q&A's About 'Star Wars': If someone actually bought Star Wars from Disney, would Canon and other things change once again?

If someone actually bought Star Wars from Disney, would Canon and other things change once again?
Sure, if there was a company or individual with enough money to buy Lucasfilm Ltd. and the Star Wars franchise from The Walt Disney Company, and if Bob Iger and the stockholders were willing to sell either the franchise or Lucasfilm. Whoever owned the Star Wars brand would then decide:
  • What “canonicity” means under the new regime
  • What new content would be created, in what format, and which venue (theaters, television, or Internet)
  • Whether or not to re-release existing movies in their current form, or (in the case of the Original Trilogy) their original (as released) editions
  • Which video game companies would get licenses to create new games
  • Whether or not licensed printed media original works (novels, comics, anthologies) are canonical
After all, that’s what ownership entails. If The Walt Disney Company had not been given independence from what the previous owner. George Lucas, had wanted, (no releases of the original version of the classic 1977-1983 trilogy; no Sequel Trilogy; George only came up with ideas for one shortly before selling Lucasfilm, some of which were adapted for the existing trilogy, but much of which were ignored) what good would it have done for the company? With Disney's proverbial hands tied creatively, Bob Iger would only be in the uncomfortable position of milking existing content via merchandise and theme park attractions, which is not why one would buy a production company and its intellectual properties.
However, it is unlikely that Disney would sell Lucasfilm or just the Star Wars “brand” to anyone.


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