We don't need a wall; the enemy is already within

USCG LT Christopher Hasson's cache of weapons. Photo credit: Associated Press via National Public Radio

We have met the enemy, and he is us. - Walt Kelly

Dear friends , maybe that’s a bit of a misnomer. Acquaintances more likely. Hope this finds you well. I am dreaming of a way to kill almost every last person on the earth. - Christopher Hasson, in an email draft recovered by government investigators

As the ongoing debate on President Donald Trump's pet project of the Great Border Wall on the border with Mexico continues, along comes a reminder that the greatest threat to Americans does not come from undocumented immigrants from Latin America, but rather from native-born Americans armed with enough weapons to equip your average Army or Marine Corps infantry squad.

Per a report published last night (and updated this morning) by National Public Radio, Christopher Paul Hasson, a lieutenant on active duty in the U.S. Coast Guard, was arrested last week "on charges of illegal possession of a firearm as well as possession of a controlled substance. But the government called those charges the 'proverbial tip of the iceberg,' and subsequently filed the motion on Tuesday asking the court to detain Hasson, who has a detention hearing on Feb. 21."

In the memorandum written for the motion to detain Hasson, a self-admitted white nationalist who has served in three different branches of the military, prosecutors paint a chilling profile of a man who was planning to kill great numbers of innocent civilians, including liberals, prominent Democratic Party politicians, and members of various media organizations.

In other words, the very same people that Trump and his supporters call "enemies of the people."

Interesting idea the other day. Start with biological attacks followed by attack on food supply. . . Have to research this. Two pronged attack seems it might be more successful. Institute a bombing/sniper campaign.

What can I do, I will not do nothing...It seems inevitable that we are doomed. I don’t think I can cause complete destruction on my own, However if I could enlist the unwitting help of another power/country would be best. Who and how to provoke?? - Christopher Hasson, in an email draft recovered by government investigators

Per a report written by Heavy.com's Tom Cleary:

A 49-year-old active duty U.S. Coast Guard lieutenant arrested on gun and drug charges has been accused by federal prosecutors of being a “domestic terrorist, bent on committing acts dangerous to human life that are intended to affect governmental conduct.” In a court filing, prosecutors say the lieutenant was inspired by far-right Norwegian terrorist Anders Breivik and has corresponded with known white supremacists. He identified himself as a “white nationalist” who has advocated for “focused violence” in order to establish a “white homeland” and created a hit list that includes top Democrats and members of the media, prosecutors say.

Christopher Hasson was assigned to the Coast Guard's cutter procurement program at its headquarters in Washington, DC, a non-combat trained assignment, However, he had previously served in the Marines and the Army National Guard and had ample infantry combat training and experience. Photo credit: Facebook/Getty Pictures via Heavy.com

Ever since Donald Trump won the Presidential election in November 2016 - and even during his campaign - one of his tactics has been to appeal to millions of Americans who espouse racist, xenophobic beliefs. Many of them are men and women who are over the age of 50, white, and self-identify as Christians of various denominations, although quite a few are Hispanics, mostly from Cuban-American and other Latin American communities, who hold conservative political beliefs. 

On social media and at Trump rallies, these people often express hateful comments about "illegal aliens" from Mexico and Central America. Echoing the spiels of the man many of them refer to as "the best President ever," they insist that "bad immigrants"are responsible for much of the crime in the country, including drunk driving, sex and drug trafficking, and murders of "innocent Americans" (meaning white Americans). 

Of course, if you go on Facebook and other social media outlets, the most common responses from Trump supporters regarding the Hasson case are either denial or deflection:

Here are a few comments I found on Facebook regarding this very subject. I'll redact the names, but otherwise will share them as written, without any edits on my part:

If we'd had the wall this would not have been possible.

Just a reminder that back in 1775 patriots were doing the same thing. Also every gun law is an infringement.

 Make a list isn't a crime acting on it is so actually he hasn't done anything wrong

Regarding Trump's role as instigator and enabler: 

 You idiots are SO brainwashed, you think EVERYTHING bad that happens in the entire world is Trump's fault. You all must think is that powerful to control everyone & everything in the world. HE"S MY PRESIDET & YOURS- Suck it up snoflakes & enjoy the ride.

Meanwhile, the prosecutors' memo shows that Hasson was making a hit list of prominent political and media figures, especially those who have often been targeted by the President's jibes and insults: 

On January 17, 2019, consistent with the types of people who Breivik identifies as 

“traitors” and targets for an attack, the defendant compiled a list of prominent Democratic 
Congressional leaders, activists, political organizations, and MSNBC and CNN media 
personalities, as shown below: 

Those individuals included “JOEY” (who most likely is Joe Scarborough of MSNBC, 
based on the searches described above); “Chris hayes” (who presumably is Chris Hayes from 
MSNBC); “Sen blumen jew” (who presumably is U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT)); 
“pelosi” (who presumably is House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)); “sen kaine” (who presumably 
is U.S. Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA)); “ari melber” (who presumably is Ari Melber from MSNBC); 
“shumer” (who presumably is U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY)); “don lemon” (who 
presumably is Don Lemon from CNN); “gillibran” (who presumably is U.S. Senator Kirsten 
Gillibrand (D-NY)); “poca warren” (who presumably is U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)); 
“cortez” (who presumably is U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY)); “booker” 
(who presumably is U.S. Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ)); “harris” (who presumably is U.S. Senator 
Kamala Harris (D-CA)); “beto orourke” (who presumably is former U.S. Representative Beto 
O’Rourke (D-TX)); “maxine waters” (who presumably is U.S. Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA; “sheila jackson” (who presumably is U.S. Representative Sheila Jackson (D-TX)); “iihan 
omar” (who presumably is U.S. Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN)); “chris cuomo” (who 
presumably is Chris Cuomo from CNN); “DSA” (which presumably is the political organization 
Democratic Socialists of America); “van jones” (who presumably is Van Jones from CNN); and 
“podesta” (who presumably is former Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta). The 
defendant developed this list in the above spreadsheet while reviewing the MSNBC, CNN, and 
FOX News websites, as well as other websites, from his work computer.-  MOTION FOR DETENTION PENDING TRIAL, CASE NO. GLS-19-63

The full memorandum can be read at the NPR article listed below: Sources:

Arrested Coast Guard Officer Allegedly Planned Attack "On a Scale Rarely Seen" 



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