Silly Questions About 'Star Wars': Do you think Mace Windu is alive?

Do you think Mace Windu is alive?

Let’s see:
When we last saw Mace Windu in 2005’s Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, his lightsaber hand had been amputated at the wrist, Darth Sidious was shocking him with Force lightning, and he was plummeting down from a skyscraper on Coruscant, courtesy of a mighty Force shove by the aforementioned Darth Sidious.
Now, I know that Star Wars is a space fantasy. I also understand that the amputation of his hand was not fatal; lightsabers cauterize wounds, so Mace would not have bled out from that injury. Still, it’s not likely that Mace could have survived the double-whammy of being electrocuted and pushed off a high building that’s at least two miles high.

In the 14 years that have elapsed since Revenge of the Sith, Mace Windu has only appeared in books, comics, and one TV series set between Star Wars Episode II and Episode III. Samuel L. Jackson reprised the role once in a Lucasfilm canon project, that being the pilot for Star Wars: The Clone Wars, the animated series that tells stories about what happened between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. (Actor T.C. Carson took over the role for 45 episodes during the series’ six seasons, including the Lost Missions that did not air on Cartoon Network but were released elsewhere after 2014.)
Since George Lucas’s retirement and sale of Lucasfilm in 2012, we’ve seen two Skywalker Saga movies, two A Star Wars Story films, and two animated series - Star Wars Rebels and Star Wars: Resistance, all of which are set after the events of Revenge of the Sith. Unsurprisingly, Mace Windu has not been seen in any of them.
The only new Lucasfilm project in which Mace can be counted to be seen is the seventh season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, which Lucasfilm Animation produced for the parent company’s new streaming service. Again, though, the show is set between Episode II and Episode III.
Mace Windu is dead.


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