Talking About Conservative Pundits: Is Tucker Carlson a White Supremacist?

Is Tucker Carlson a White Supremacist?
I’m convinced that Tucker Carlson is a white supremacist, or, at the very least, says horrible things that make him sound like one.
I mean, seriously now; how can one not think that someone who says any of the following statements is not a white supremacist?
“Immigrants make America poorer — and dirtier — and more divided.”
“White men deserve the credit for creating civilization.”
“The Iraqis are nothing but a bunch of semiliterate primitive monkeys.”
“You know, I am not even sure that President Obama is really black.”
“We need a Presidential candidate who will blame the lunatic Muslims who are behaving like animals.”
So, yep. I do believe Mr. Carlson is a racist jerk who believes that the “white race” is superior.


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