Q&As About 'Star Wars': Is it fair for 'Star Wars' fans to target Kelly Marie Tran for her role in 'The Last Jedi'?

Is it fair for Star Wars fans to target Kelly Marie Tran for her role in The Last Jedi?
No, it’s not. It’s not only unfair, but it shows that “fans” who target and harass anyone involved in the making of a Star Wars film, TV show, or any part of the canon are immature, self-centered, and have too high an opinion of themselves.
Same goes for anyone who “targets” George Lucas, Bob Iger, Kathleen Kennedy, J.J. Abrams, Lawrence Kasdan, or Rian Johnson in a campaign fueled by irrational hate because they made the movies or TV series in a way that they found aesthetically or thematically wrong.
Now, I’m not suggesting that people have to like The Last Jedi, The Force Awakens, the Prequels, the Special Editions of the Original Trilogy, or whatever it is they don’t like about the franchise. Far from it. If you honestly don’t like something, that’s fine. George Lucas, Bob Iger, or Kathleen Kennedy aren’t going to show up at your door with a real-life Darth Vader as their enforcer and force you to like their product.
That being said, the fans that make vitriolic “review”videos on YouTube or create “I Hate Kelly Marie Tran” groups on Facebook, or call Lucasfilm and its staff “social justice warriors” because the films have more inclusive casts that aren’t dominated by Caucasian males, a couple of female actors, a token person of color, and several non-human characters that are played by either puppets or actors in costume…those are what I call the “lunatic fringe.”
Seriously? Do well-adjusted, mature, and intelligent people drop their civility and their empathy for others simply because a studio made a Star Wars movie that didn’t conform to their preconceived notions?
Targeting and bullying Kelly Marie Tran because some fans didn’t like her character was a stupid, selfish, and immature way to deal with a fictitious universe that fans did not create themselves. It’s toxic behavior, and it does not reflect well on those fans who behaved like a bunch of bullies and thugs.


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