Q&A's About 'Star Wars': Why do the Kaminoans have a spot in the Republic Senate in Star Wars: The Clone Wars?

In Attack of the Clones, Obi-Wan "discovers" Kamino. Why do the Kaminoans have a spot in the Republic Senate in Star Wars: The Clone Wars? In Attack of the Clones, Obi-Wan "discovers" Kamino. Why do the Kaminoans have a spot in the Republic Senate in Star Wars: The Clone Wars?

Although we don’t know exactly how much time elapses between the end of Star Wars - Episode II: Attack of the Clones and the beginning of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars series in-universe, we do know that Kamino joins the Galactic Republic a short time after the First Battle of Geonosis (22 years Before the Battle of Yavin).
It stands to reason; the Grand Army of the Republic is the official standing army of the Galactic Republic. It’s not, like the Hessians hired by the British to help them quash “the insignificant rebellion” in America in the 18th Century, a mercenary army. Any reasonable leader, whether he or she is a Sith Lord or a true lover of democracy, would want the Republic’s only source of trained soldiers to be an integral part of the body politic.

So it is that Kamino joined the Republic some time in 22 BBY. As a result, the Republic was able to establish several military installations in the Rishi Maze to protect the cloning facilities. In exchange, the Kaminoans earned the right to send a delegation of Senators and Representatives to the Galactic Congress.
Because Kamino’s sole commodity was its cloning expertise and the constant production of new clone troopers, its delegation (led by Senator Burtoni ) could be counted on to vote for every increase in military spending during a war which was mired in a carefully-managed stalemate. As long as neither side gained an advantage, and as long as the Separatist threat existed, the Kaminoans (which are avatars for the military-industrial complex in Star Wars) are never going to vote against their own self-interests and cast their lot with Padme Amidala, Mon Mothma, and Bail Organa, who have come to realize that the Clone Wars and its resultant increases in military spending are bankrupting the Republic.


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