Q&A's About 'Star Wars': Prior to Disney declaring the Star Wars Expanded Universe non-canon, was 'The Force Unleashed 2' considered canon?

Prior to Disney declaring the Star Wars Expanded Universe non-canon, was 'The Force Unleashed 2' considered canon?
No. Before George Lucas decided to sell Lucasfilm to The Walt Disney Company in 2012, the company had already stated that G-canon (that is, the Gospel of Star Wars according to George) only consisted of:
  • The six Star Wars motion pictures that existed at the time. (There was no plan to make the Sequels until the deal with Disney was made.)
  • The Star Wars: The Clone Wars movie (2008) and the TV series that was then in its fifth season.
  • The novelizations and comic book adaptations of the films.
  • The Star Wars Radio Dramas were where canonicity got tricky. Long ago, the radio series based on the original Star Wars Trilogy was considered canon. But sometime before 2012, Lucasfilm decreed that only the material directly derived from the film scripts was co-equal in canon with the films. Consequently, much of Brian Daley’s expository material (especially in the 13-part Radio Drama based on A New Hope) was stripped of its canonicity. (This cleared the way for Gareth Edwards, Gary Whitta, and John Knoll to make Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.)
Anything else, including EU novels, Dark Horse Comics stories, and video game storylines, was non-canon.


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