Bloggin' On: Odds and Ends for December 23, 2019

Hi, there, Constant Reader. Today is Monday, December 23, 2019, and it's a cool but sunny winter morning in my corner of Florida. Right now the temperature is 65℉ (18℃) under mostly sunny skies; the forecast high is expected to reach 69℉ (21℃) and rain is expected to affect the area in the evening hours.

I had hoped to report that I watched Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker on Opening Day (Friday), or at the least on Opening Weekend, but I've been confined to the house by the flu (or a very bad cold) since last Monday. My significant other caught a respiratory bug from a co-worker, and in turn two of us here have caught that bug from her. I'm over the worst of it and no longer have a headache or a low-grade fever, but I still have a nagging dry cough that comes and goes at random. This, of course, has put the kibosh on any plans related to going to public venues; I don't want to bother any other moviegoers with my hacking and wheezing, and I definitely do not want to spread this nastiness around, especially since Hannukah started last night and Christmas is only two days away.

Am I bummed out? Of course, I am. I had not missed the opening day of a Star Wars film in 36 years (Return of the Jedi was the first Episode I saw on its premiere date, May 25, 1983), and I was so looking forward to being at the nearest theater, popcorn and Coke in hand, watching the conclusion of the Skywalker Saga. Instead, I spent my Friday night - and the rest of the weekend - taking cold & flu medicine and drinking Gatorade in hopes of getting healthy enough to celebrate Christmas.

I did receive my CD of the Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker soundtrack album yesterday, though. I have not listened to it yet, but rest assured, I'll be doing that later today in an effort to cheer myself up.

I'm sorry that I haven't written any new reviews or Bloggin' On posts these past few days, but I hope you understand how debilitating these bouts of coughing can be. Even under the best of circumstances, the short and unpredictable coughing fits leave me feeling like I ran all the way back to my old Miami townhouse and back, sore, tired, and out of breath. So, you see, it's simply not been possible for me to create any new content for the blog - until now. And even that is a miracle in itself; I'm tired and want to go rest now, and it's not even 10 AM yet.

I'll let that be my last word for the moment. I'm going to the kitchen and see what I can scrounge up for breakfast. Then I'll take a shower, get dressed, and try to keep myself entertained for the rest of the day. Catch you all on the sunny side of things tomorrow!


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