Bloggin' On: Coming Soon to 'A Certain Point of View' and Passing Thoughts

Promotional illustration depicting the cover art for eight of 10 Buena Vista Home Entertainment's 2019 "Multi-Screen Edition" Star Wars Blu-ray/Digital Copy sets. © 2019 Buena Vista Home Entertainment and Lucasfilm Ltd. (LFL)
Hello, everybody, and welcome once again to another installment of Bloggin' On, my blog-within-a-blog where I step out of my reviewer/political commentator role and just talk about...stuff. It's Sunday, December 8, and there are only 17 (or 16, depending on how you view December 24) shopping days till Christmas. (For what it's worth, I'm good as far as that goes; I finished my Christmas shopping last week.)

Right now it's early afternoon in my corner of Florida. I have not ventured outside today, but according to my weather app, the temperature is a mild 79℉ (26℃) under sunny skies. This is the warmest it's been here for a few days, and if I were the outdoorsy sort I would be out walking or, at the very least, sitting out on the veranda with a book in my hands and a cold drink at my side. More realistically, I'll probably end up watching The Mandalorian on Disney+ or reading a book, at least for a while.

Yesterday (Pearl Harbor Day) I received the last two Star Wars "Multi-Screen" Edition Blu-rays I ordered last week from Amazon. If you're a regular A Certain Point of View reader, you probably remember that The Walt Disney Company's Buena Vista Home Entertainment division re-issued all of the existing Star Wars live-action films three months ago as part of the pre-release marketing campaign for the upcoming Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, which opens 12 days from today.

I wasn't going to bother with this re-issue; I already have the 2011 and the 2015 Star Wars: The Complete Saga box sets, as well as the Steelbook editions of the eight Skywalker Saga films. I don't really need the Blu-rays, per se; it's not like Lucasfilm decided to include HD versions of the 1977,1980, and 1983 editions of Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, which together form - for many fans, anyway, the Holy Grail of Star Wars. The discs themselves, as I have said in the three reviews I've written about the reissue, are the 2011 Blu-rays with only a few packaging-related cosmetic changes.

Knowing that this reissue doesn't bring anything new to the table, I held off on buying any of the Buena Vista Home Entertainment re-issues...until I realized that while I have digital copies of the new "Disney-era" Star Wars films, I did not have any Movies Anywhere/Amazon Prime Video copies of the "George Lucas-era" Tragedy of Darth Vader movies. Those are the ones I grew up with and rewatch the most. So I decided to get those - and only those - for my collection.

On Friday I received my Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith set, and yesterday the last two sets - the ones for The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones arrived in our mailbox.

The new slipcover (and jewel box) art for the 2019 Multi-Screen Edition of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. ©2019 Buena Vista Home Entertainment and Lucasfilm Ltd. (LFL)

As a result, readers of my blog can expect to see in this space reviews for the following Blu-ray sets:

  • Star Wars: The Phantom Menace 
  • Star Wars: Attack of the Clones
  • Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith

© 2019 Warner Bros. Home Entertainment and Warner Bros. Pictures

Stephen King aficionados (and fans of Pennywise the Dancing Clown) can also expect a review of the 2019 film IT: Chapter Two sometime next week. I pre-ordered the Blu-ray set at Amazon a month or so ago, and it's expected to drop on Tuesday. If past experience serves, Amazon will probably ship copies out on Monday for a Tuesday delivery, so I might get it on the same day it hits brick-and-mortar stores. If I don't get it on December 10, I'll probably have it in my hands on Wednesday.

Well, that's all the news I have that's fit to print, so I'll be taking the rest of the day off. I'll catch you all tomorrow. Till then, Constant Reader, I'll catch you on the sunny side of things!


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