This just in: President Trump is still unpopular. Doctors predict he will remain unpopular for some time.

President Donald J. Trump has been in the White House for nearly three months now, and after setting a historical record for being the least popular incoming Chief Executive, he now holds another - he is the least popular occupant of the White House at a relatively early point in his Administration.

According to the latest Gallup poll, only 42% of Americans approve of the President's on-the-job performance. No other President in modern times, including Richard M. Nixon or George W. Bush, has ever begun his term in office with such low approval ratings.

Though his supporters insist that the Twitterer-in-Chief can make America great again if those pesky liberals ("libtards" or "snowflakes") will just stop protesting and let him and Stephen K. Bannon turn America into a right-wing authoritarian state, most of us think that Mr. Trump is doing the opposite.

Take, for instance, the President's "America First" budget.

According to a report by Reuters, the President's plans for Fiscal Year 2018 highlight a focus on military spending and an expensive (and unnecessary) wall on the Mexican border at the expense of the Environmental Protection Agency, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and even the federal block grants that help fund the Meals on Wheels program.

Per staff writers Roberta Rampton and Richard Cowan, the Bannon, er, Trump Administration  is going to ask Congress for a "more guns, less butter" budget that puts more money into the military-industrial complex and less funds to help the neediest American citizens.

Trump said he aimed to advance "the safety and security of the American people," adding he would do so with $54 billion in added military spending next year and putting more money into deporting illegal immigrants.

To pay for this increase in the Pentagon's budget without raising taxes on the wealthy, Mr. Trump seeks to cut back spending in other areas, including federal agencies tasked with protecting our environment, grants for the arts and the humanities, and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

Trump's plan took a big swipe at some federal institutions, envisaging a more than 31 percent cut, or $2.6 billion, for the Environmental Protection Agency and a 28 percent reduction, or $10.9 billion, for the State Department and other international programs.

Under Trump's plan, funding would disappear altogether for 19 independent bodies that count on federal money for public broadcasting, the arts and regional programs from Alaska to Appalachia.

Moderate Republicans expressed unease with potential cuts to popular domestic programs such as home-heating subsidies, clean-water projects and job training.

Excuse me for asking, but just how does this make America great again?

And the great American nightmare continues....



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