'Star Wars' Questions: What Expanded Universe novels form the basis for the Sequel Trilogy?

Officially? None. Star Wars: The Force Awakens and its two sequels, Star Wars: The Last Jedi  and Episode IX are all-new original stories based on concepts by J.J. Abrams, Michael Arndt, Lawrence Kasdan, and the Lucasfilm Story Group. (George Lucas, when he sold Lucasfilm to Disney, handed in a treatment for Episodes VII-IX, but it was not used.)
Unofficially: Some story elements of The Force Awakens bear some resemblance to plot points from the Star Wars Expanded Universe novels and comics. For instance, in the film, Han and Leia have a son (Ben Solo) who is strong with the Force and is seduced by its Dark Side. This is also a plot point in the old EU, except that in the books the son is named Jacen Solo (who has a twin sister, Jaina) and after undergoing training as a Jedi in Luke Skywalker’s academy, turns bad and becomes Darth Caedus.


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