Dispatches from Trump's America: Trump blames GOP conservatives for Trumpcare's failure

Remember last week's failure of Donald J. Trump's much-touted American Health Care Act ("Trumpcare") to pass through the Republican-controlled Congress? You know, the President's ballyhooed and long-promised project to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act of 2010?

Well, guess who Mr. Trump is pinning the blame on? Can you give me three guesses?

Ready? Go!

If you said that he, like all good leaders tend to do, took responsibility for Trumpcare's big failure last Friday, you'd be wrong.

According to ABC News, Mr. Trump once again logged on to Twitter to accuse the GOP, especially the uber-conservative House Freedom Caucus. This influential group of  Republican members of the House of Representatives refused to sign off on the AHCA in part because it would leave millions of Americans without medical insurance.

In a sarcastic tweet from his @realDonaldTrump Twitter account, Mr. Trump said:

The Republican House Freedom Caucus was able to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. After so many bad years they were ready for a win!

And sounding more like a petulant toddler than the 45th President of the U.S., Mr Trump also said that the ACA, also known as Obamacare by its detractors, was going to self-destruct soon.

ObamaCare will explode and we will all get together and piece together a great healthcare plan for THE PEOPLE. Do not worry!

In addition, Mr. Trump once again tried to deflect attention from the growing suspicions that members of his campaign and/or political advisers, including current Attorney General Jeff Sessions, had business and politically-motivated links to Russian President Vladimir Putin's government.

Again, via Twitter, Mr. Trump accused former President Bill Clinton and Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton of having shady dealings of their own with Russia's kleptocracy.

Yesterday, after he tweeted about healthcare, Mr. Trump had this to say:

Why isn't the House Intelligence Committee looking into the Bill & Hillary deal that allowed big Uranium to go to Russia, Russian speech....

and this:

...money to Bill, the Hillary Russian "reset," praise of Russia by Hillary, or Podesta Russian Company. Trump Russia story is a hoax. !

Per ABC News:

The tweets were not the first instance in which Trump sought to blame Hillary Clinton for a deal between Russia's nuclear power agency and a Canadian company. The non-partisan fact-checking organization Politifact has rated the claim "Mostly False," citing Hillary Clinton's "lack of power to approve or reject the deal."

Many Americans are not buying this deal, however. A Twitter user using the handle @tonyposnanki replied to the President:

And the FBI isn't investigating Bill and Hillary. They're investigating you.






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