President Trump's string of lies and broken promises

When I cast my vote for Hillary Clinton during last November's Presidential election, I didn't do so for strictly partisan reasons. I've been an independent voter with No Party Affiliation since 1984, and I've voted for local, state, and federal level leaders from both major parties, not just one. So when I vote for a Presidential candidate on Election Day, I don't think about whether there's a D, an I, or an R after his or her name on the ballot; I look for competency, trustworthiness, and ability to lead.

This, of course, means that if the Republican Party had nominated Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) or even John McCain (R-AZ) I would have considered voting for either one - provided, of course, that they didn't choose a running mate as vacuous or extremist as Sarah Palin. Heck, I would have even given Jeb Bush a chance to get my vote, even if it meant having to have a third President Bush in the Oval Office.

Alas, the Republican Party nominated a reality television star and supposedly successful real estate magnate, Donald J. Trump, as its candidate. I didn't believe for a microsecond that he was worthy of my vote, so I voted for the Democratic choice instead.

Now, I have backed losing candidates before. I voted for Al Gore in 2000 and John Kerry in 2004, and even though I wasn't happy about their defeats, I never thought that the winner, George W. Bush, was heartless or incompetent. Aside from the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan after the September 11 attacks, I disagreed with Mr. Bush's foreign policy, especially the misguided war in Iraq. I also thought his domestic agenda favored the wealthy 1%. Yet, I didn't dislike him, nor did I ever say "He's not my President."

Mr. Trump, on the other hand, has always struck me as a con man and bully. He is also one of the most dishonest men ever to be elected to the highest leadership post in the land.

For instance, he said that he would not accept his Presidential paycheck because he didn't need the money.

In his own words: "If I'm elected President, I'm accepting no salary."

Guess what. He has accepted his second $33,333 paycheck.

Constitutionally, Mr. Trump has to accept the paychecks, no matter what he promised. He could, as John F. Kennedy did during his Administration, donate it to a charitable organization. Thing is, he and his staff are not releasing proof that he has done so. Thus, it's safe to assume that he is depositing his checks into his bank account.

He promised he would not go on vacation or play golf because he would be too busy at the White House working for the American people.

In his own words: "I would not be a President that takes time off."

Guess what. He is now one of the most prolific link-hitters ever to reach the White House.

In an article published on March 11, the New York Daily News reported:

President Trump — who regularly lambasted his predecessor for spending too much time playing the sport — is golfing for the ninth time since taking office seven weeks ago.
The President is golfing at Trump National Golf Club in Potomac Falls, Va., lunching with a few members of his cabinet — and taking the time to OK the firing of U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara.

President Trump also accused his predecessor of bugging Trump Tower in Manhattan during last year's election.

In his own words: "How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!"

According to the Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan (R-WI) there is no evidence that any wiretapping was carried out at any time.

Considering that Mr. Trump is a man who has made one outrageous claim after another since before he ran for President - remember his claim that he saw "thousands" of Muslims cheering as the World Trade Center collapsed? - I am not sorry that I voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016.



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