Bloggin' On: Adventures on Screenwriting and Other Musings for February 1, 2020

Photo Illustration: Pixabay
Hi, there, Constant Reader, and welcome once again to Bloggin' On, the no-reviews, no-politics space of A Certain Point of View. It's Saturday afternoon in my corner of Florida, and as I look out my study's window, it's a grey and somber day. Presently, the temperature outside is 64℉ (18℃) under mostly cloudy skies. That's not too bad; it reminds me of late fall in Sevilla (Seville), Spain when I was a participant in the College Consortium for International Studies' Semester in Spain program almost 32 years ago. However, I was hoping to go out on the front porch, a book in one hand and my Amazon Fire tablet in the other, to get a bit of fresh air and sun while reading for a bit. If it was sunny I'd still try to do that now, but the skies are dark and the sunlight is thin and dim, so I think I'll just stay in my cozy study.

Juan Carlos Hernandez, my friend from high school and the actor-director with whom I collaborate as a screenwriter, texted me recently with an update on our upcoming comedy-drama. He says he is alternating between getting additional shots (mostly, stuff that he didn't quite get during principal photography), editing, and working on the dubbing/looping/ADR. He's reasonably content with the progress of our film, although he did say that his wife Adria (our producer and female lead)  wasn't exactly thrilled with the way one of her comedic scenes had turned out. ("She's not laughing like she usually does," said Juan in his text, but then he added that Adria is also self-critical.)

I'm still in the research phase of The Tonic of Their Victory, so I don't foresee myself typing the magic words "Chapter One" any time soon. The story is in the historical fiction genre, and while I am not shooting for 100% accuracy, I want to get enough of the details right so that the characters and situations are believable and have the ring of truth. And, let me tell you, getting details right is something I actually give two fucks about, even if I end up writing The Tonic of Their Victory just for myself. So...I'm reading all kinds of books about D-Day, the Normandy campaign, and even Brave Men, Ernie Pyle's wartime collection of columns and stories from the campaigns in Sicily, Italy, and France.  It's time-consuming work, to be sure, but I think the story will be the better for it.

Other than that, I don't have much in the way of news. I have a few new books that I need to read so I can review them, and I also plan to review at least one new music album that I bought in digital  (as opposed to compact disc).  So keep your eyes peeled for those upcoming posts.

All right, folks. That about wraps it up for this blog post, so as always, I'll catch you all on the sunny side of things.


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