Bloggin' On: Adventures in Screenwriting - Reactions to 'Ronnie and the Pursuit of the Elusive Bliss'

Illustration by Gerd Altmann via Pixabay
Well, I posted Ronnie and the Pursuit of the Elusive Bliss on several social media outlets, and so far the reactions to the film that I wrote for actor-director Juan Carlos Hernandez have been positive.

As of today, no one has written a long, detailed review, but judging by some of the comments I have read on Facebook, Ronnie works as it was intended; it is funny and at the same time it reflects the divisions in the United States during Donald Trump's Presidency.

Adria K. Woomer-Hernandez stars as Ronnie, the film's voice of reason in a chaotic environment. © 2020 Popcorn Sky Productions

Dayna P. writes:

OMG, I was dying! The mom was the best. I didn’t think she was actually going to say “fuck,” I laughed out loud when she did. ...drinking wine out of a regular glass... it is so funny. I see you got your John Denver in too.

Norma D. writes:

Wonderful! Terrific character portrayals, dialogue, and score ~ the concept played full out with heart, humor, hurt and hope. Congratulations to all of you!

John H. writes:

I loved it so very much. The mother's face at the end gave it the right touch.

So, Dear Reader, as you can see, the movie has been well-received, even by people who I thought would not have liked it due to its political undertones.

If you haven't seen Ronnie and the Pursuit of the Elusive Bliss, you can see it here on YouTube. 


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