Bloggin' On: Adventures in Screenwriting - Our First Official Reviews

"I love the ending. You have to see it to enjoy it." Meg Learner, PersonaPaper, Image from Ronnie and the Pursuit of the Elusive Bliss © 2020 Popcorn Sky Productions

Well, it took a little while ﹘ 17 days, to be exact ﹘ but Ronnie and the Pursuit of the Elusive Bliss has gotten a couple of long-form published reviews.

The first one was Denise Longrie's user review on the Internet Movie Database ( Here is an excerpt:

It's fun to watch the family members interact with each other. There's no malice. The different characters become angry and annoyed at each other. In less capable hands, their portrayals could have been cardboard clowns. However, even when they're at their most ridiculous, these characters remain human beings with depth.

"These people love each other. Despite their differences, they still care for one another."  Denise Longrie, Internet Movie Database user reviewImage from Ronnie and the Pursuit of the Elusive Bliss © 2020 Popcorn Sky Productions

 The other review is our first External Review, and it was written for PersonaPaper by Meg Learner.

The film as a whole is funny. Most families will be able to relate to grown up kids coming home, with great anticipation on all sides until the inevitable "discussion" rolls around. It may be politics, it may be something else but both sides are passionate about their beliefs, even though they love each other as family.

Ronnie (Adria K. Woomer-Hernandez) is the title character in Juan Carlos Hernandez's "film about today."  Image from Ronnie and the Pursuit of the Elusive Bliss © 2020 Popcorn Sky Productions

I told my friend Juan Carlos Hernandez, the actor-director who made Ronnie and the Pursuit of the Elusive Bliss with his wife Adria and son Anthony, that we had reviews on our film's IMDb page. He was both pleased and grateful, as am I. Writing in my capacity as Ronnie's screenwriter, I can assure you that this film was truly a labor of love for all of us.

If you have not yet watched our film, you can see it on YouTube, gratis. 


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