Talking About Conspiracy Theories: Why do people think Osama bin Laden still lives?

Why do people think Osama bin Laden still lives?
It depends on who is saying that Osama bin Laden is still alive.
Basically, no one in Al-Qaeda even remotely clings to this fantasy. Days after bin Laden was killed and given a burial at sea courtesy of the U.S. Navy in May of 2011, the terrorist organization issued a communique that said their “Sheikh” was dead and that Ayman al-Zawahiri, bin Laden’s Egyptian second-in-command, was now in charge.
In the Muslim world, there are some conspiracy theorists who claim bin Laden was not dead, but that he was hiding somewhere out of reach of the Americans. However, since bin Laden has not issued any proclamations via recordings or videos as he used to do before SEAL Team Six deep-sixed the man in Operation Neptune Spear, this just seems to be either idiocy or wishful thinking on the “bin Laden is alive” camp’s part.
As for Americans who say bin Laden is not dead? Well, either they are misinformed conspiracy theorists or right-wing nut jobs who don’t want to give the Obama Administration any credit for anything.


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