Adventures in Screenwriting: Two and a Third Scripts

Well, so now I have two writing credits on my Internet Movie Database page.

(Here it modest reference page: Alex Diaz-Granados: Writer)

Last week, my actor-director friend Juan Carlos Hernandez finished post-production on Clown 345, a short comedy film about a young clown (Anthony Fernandez) and his attempt to tell a joke to his parents (Adria K. Hernandez and Juan Carlos Hernandez). It was written mostly by Juan; I was asked to write the "bridge" between Acts One and Three, which had mostly been filmed by the time I came on board the project.

Clown 345 is now complete and "live" on YouTube, so Popcorn Skies Productions, my friend Juan's New York City-based production company, has listed it on the Internet Movie Database (IMDb), complete with a cast and crew list. For my modest contribution, I earned my second credit as a screenwriter for a produced work in my career.

My first one, of course, was for A Simple Ad, an original screenplay that I wrote for Juan a few months ago. He didn't give me a long list of requirements, just that the script was not too long (two minutes was the ideal, but it ended up being closer to four) and that it be written for two characters.

Juan said he would prefer a comedy, but I ended up giving him a drama based on an apocryphal story about how Ernest Hemingway supposedly wrote a complete story that was only six words long.


In addition to these two finished productions, I've written a third script for Popcorn Sky Productions. It's longer than either A Simple Ad or my section of Clown 345, and it's more complicated, even though it has a three-person cast. I like to think of it as a film inspired by the classic sitcom All in the Family; it's a look at a family in 2019 America, and it delves into themes that are on the public mind in these unsettled times. It's funny, but it's also a penetrating look at how the political divide affects everyone.

Stay tuned.


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