Responding to the Cult-45: My Reply to 'Now that the Mueller report has been finally investigating, do you think the Democrats are a bunch of clowns?'

On Quora, Trump supporter Larry "Two Accounts" Walden asks this incredibly rude question about the Mueller Report and the Democratic Party:

Now that the Mueller report has been finally investigating, do you think the Democrats are a bunch of clowns?

Here's my reply:

This question, in all frankness, is rife with far too many issues that make it hard for anyone to understand, much less answer it in a mature, rational way.
The first half, Now that the Mueller report has been finally investigating, makes no sense whatsoever. The two-volume Mueller Report is not a sentient, self-aware entity that can conduct an investigation on its own; therefore, it can’t investigate anything or anyone.
I’m guessing that what the Trump supporter who wrote this pseudo-question really meant to say is, Now that the Mueller investigation has come to a close, do you think the Democrats are a bunch of clowns?
Which, of course, brings me to the crux of the matter.
Obviously, there are two likely audiences that the “author” of this most insincere and insulting “question” is writing this for.
  1. Self-described Trump supporters, who are likely to say, “Yes, of course, I do think the Democrats are a bunch of clowns. That’s like asking ‘Is the Pope Catholic?’ or ‘Does the sun set in the West?’”
  2. Non-Trump supporters, in the hopes of getting them angry enough so that the “author” can then write snarky pro-Trump quips in the comments section or, as is his habit, tell them to “take a shower” if their answer is too heated enough.
Well, I obviously do not think that Democrats are a “bunch of clowns” simply because they have different ideas from yours on how to best run this country. I’m all for bipartisan cooperation, and I do not think that any party or political philosophy has all of the answers to the nation’s problems and challenges. I don’t want the United States to be governed by one party - no matter what its philosophy might be - and I do recognize that some self-described Democratic Party members clearly do not evoke memories of Franklin D. Roosevelt or John F. Kennedy. But my chosen party, the Democratic Party, is not a “bunch of clowns.”
I do not like questions like this one, and neither does Quora.
This question should be phrased with neutral and sincere language
This question's wording makes it seem like a joke, or intended rhetorically to make a statement, rather than looking for helpful answers. It should be rewritten to be a neutral, non-leading question


  1. So the old boy has two accounts, does he? The plot thickens...

    1. Yep.
      The best thing to do, obviously, is report him to Quora Moderation via his profile.

      The proof, of course, is easy to find. Just Search for "Larry Walden" and his accounts will be the first two on the list.


      It takes lots of reports to get violators banned, but this guy takes the cake. Multiple accounts are not allowed on Quora.


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