Talking About Right-Wing Trolls: My reply to 'What if I told you that if I had to, I would go to war to keep Trump in power?'

On Quora, our old Trump-supporting friend Anonymous asks:

What if I told you that if I had to, I would go to war to keep Trump in power?

I of course replied:

What if I told you I think you are one of the following?
  1. A delusional blowhard with a death wish
  2. A political fanatic with a death wish
  3. A political fanatic with a death wish who hates anyone who disagrees with you
  4. A violent extremist, i.e. a terrorist
Pray tell, dear Anonymous, under what circumstances do you think you, personally, you will go to war to keep Donald Trump in power?
As it stands, Congress is not likely to impeach Donald Trump, even if there are many rank-and-file voters who still desire this. Even if the House of Representatives voted to impeach, the Republican-controlled Senate would be less likely to convict.
But let’s say impeachment occurred, and Trump was removed from office via Constitutionally-approved means. Would you still become an insurgent, i.e. a traitor and a rebel, to keep Trump in power?
As I pointed out earlier, though, impeachment is not in the cards, and most Americans are not as bloody-minded to go to war to take Trump out of power. (And, if there are some idiots who say they would, they’re just as wrong-headed as you are.)
The way I see it, there are several ways in which Trump would be removed from power, all of them legit:
  1. He runs for re-election in 2020, wins, and then runs into term limits for the 2024 election.
  2. He runs for re-election in 2020, loses, and must vacate the premises to make way for the incoming President-elect.
  3. He is found to be physically or mentally unfit to stay in office and removed under the provisions of the 25th Amendment.
In all three scenarios, Mr. Anonymous, do you still plan on rising up in arms to keep Trump in power?
Dude, I seriously doubt that you have the military skills, weaponry, or the cojones to become a 21st Century version of a Mosby’s Raider. Even if you have a stash of AR-15’s, a Bowie knife, or a bow-and-arrow set, do you seriously believe you’d survive an encounter with, say, a section of M-1 Abrams tanks and a Bradley IFV?


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