Q & As About 'Star Wars': Is 'The Rise of Skywalker' the last 'Star Wars' film?

Is The Rise of Skywalker the last Star Wars movie?
While Star Wars - Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker will bring the curtain down on the Skywalker Saga that began with 1977’s Star Wars, it is not going to be the last feature film set “a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.”

To be sure, it is the swan song, as it were, of the film series that bears - for good or ill - the DNA of George Lucas’s The Star Wars. The Big Three - Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, and Carrie Fisher have moved on: Harrison and Mark have had their characters killed off or transformed into Force ghosts, and Carrie died in late 2016, so her role in The Rise of Skywalker has been minimized into scenes that can make use of existing footage shot for The Force Awakens and (perhaps) The Last Jedi. And, as George himself once said, the only characters that are in the entire Skywalker Saga are C-3PO and R2-D2.

The Rise of Skywalker will also be the last film that Lucasfilm and Walt Disney Motion Picture Studios will release in the short term; the troubles that both Rogue One and Solo had during production, plus the latter’s underperformance at the box office last year chastened the powers that be. Bob Iger, Disney’s CEO, admitted as much when he and Lucasfilm CEO Kathleen Kennedy announced that they were going to re-examine the production schedule and put on hold several Star Wars Anthology films.

So…there will be a hiatus as far as Star Wars theatrical releases are concerned.
It probably will not be a long one, though. As it stands now, Rian Johnson is developing his own Star Wars trilogy with the Lucasfilm Story Group, arbiters of Star Wars canon. The producers of the popular HBO series Game of Thrones are also said to be developing more Star Wars films, and some of the projected A Star Wars Story films, including possible follow-ups to Solo, are still in the development pipeline.


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