Q & As About 'Star Wars': If you do not like the new Star Wars movies, why are you considered a toxic fan since opinions of movies are subjective?

If you do not like the new Star Wars movies, why are you considered a toxic fan since opinions of movies are subjective?
Oo, oo! I’ll take this one.
© and ™ Lucasfilm and Dolby Laboratories

From my perspective, this is what it boils down to:
  1. It’s perfectly fine to not like a movie. It doesn’t matter if the movie is a Star Wars Episode or Anthology film, or if it’s Bolero or Ishtar. As you say in your question, whether you like a movie is a subjective thing.
  2. It’s acceptable to write a negative review of a film, so long as you don’t insult the cast, crew, or director personally. Critique their work, yes, but stooping to calling them names or picking on them for reasons that are only tangential to the film is not okay.
  3. Your behavior can become toxic if you start flooding social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Quora, just to name a few) with long, overheated, and hateful diatribes about how X (X standing in for George Lucas, Lucasfilm, The Lucasfilm Story Group, The Walt Disney Company, Bob Iger, Alan Horn, Kathleen Kennedy, J.J. Abrams, or Rian Johnson) are hacks, have desecrated the franchise/your childhood. inserted “SJW” bullshit, or aren’t “true fans” because they didn’t make the movie you created in your head.
  4. Your behavior goes way beyond toxic when you call the viewers who enjoyed The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, the Prequel Trilogy, or anything else you didn’t “apologists,” “Disney shills who probably get paid to defend this crap,” or “not ‘real’ Star Wars fans.”
  5. You forget that, when all is said and done, fans don’t get to demand that a very expensive film (The Last Jedi) be taken out of Star Wars canon altogether and that be replaced with an alternate Episode VIII that’s more to your liking. Seriously. This makes you look like whiny. entitled brats who think they own the franchise. (Words of wisdom: You don’t.)
To sum up: If you honestly don’t like a media product, that’s your business. It’s toxic as hell if you try to cram your dislike of said media product down everyone’s throat, especially if you’re obnoxious and in-our-faces about it. After all, opinions are like bellybuttons; everyone has one, but they’re not all the same.


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