Talking About Modern Conservatism: Should the Democrats stop making an issue out of LGBTQ bathroom rights because it simply inflames the right?

In the 1950s, the fearmongering was about "miscegenation" or "race mixing." Today it's about LGBTQ bathroom rights. 
Should the Democrats stop making an issue out of LGBTQ bathroom rights because it simply inflames the right?
That’s an odd question, considering that it wasn’t the Democrats who made a huge “oh-the-world-is-ending” issue when transgendered people decided on using the gender-appropriate bathrooms they needed to use. It was a very loud, very vocal conservative bunch who used vitriol, fear-mongering, and old-fashioned bigotry to cause a controversy where there should have been none.
It seems to me that when self-described Christian conservatives want to stir up a hate campaign, be it against politicians they oppose, races they want to be suppressed, or minorities they would rather not care about, they always turn around and choose someone else to blame when they cause controversy.
In this instance - the LGBTQ/bathroom issue - the bigots’ target of choice is the Democratic Party.
Nice try at deflection, but it wasn’t the Democrats who stirred up the pot. It was conservative extremists who did because nothing gets the right wing more energized than anything that smacks of human rights being granted to people they don’t like.


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