Refuting Conservative Dogma...Still Yet Again: My Reply to ' Should Trump be impeached for speaking with the Ukrainian President?"

On Quora, conservative member Philipp Andern asks:

Liberals: Should Trump be impeached for speaking with the Ukrainian President? Why or why not?
My reply:
First, let me say that disingenuous questions like “Liberals: Should Trump be impeached for speaking with the Ukrainian President? Why or why not?” are annoying, dishonest, and meant to deflect from the truth. In other words, they are insincere.
Second, under most circumstances, it is part of any President’s job to speak to foreign leaders. Whether it is to congratulate one - such as Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Kelensky - on winning an election or to consult with a major ally on matters of global importance, it is important that a President of the United States reaches out to his foreign counterparts. It’s part of the job and a crucial one at that.
What is impeachable in the case of the conversation with Ukraine’s President Kelensky is the fact that the current occupant of the White House was leaning on another head of state to dig up dirt on a Democratic Presidential aspirant’s family in order to benefit Donald J. Trump’s re-election.
Ukraine right now is embroiled in a nasty civil war fomented by Russia and its authoritarian leader, Vladimir Putin. It is not a NATO member, but it is receiving aid from the West to survive predations on its sovereign territory by its bigger neighbor to the east. The Trump Administration is providing some of that military aid to Kyiv (even though it makes his buddy Putin kinda mad at us), but like a Mafia don, Trump wants something in return.
In this case, it is not basing rights for NATO or U.S. forces that Trump wants from Kelensky. No, sweet summer child; what he wants is “political dirt” on the alleged business dealings of Joe Biden’s son in Ukraine, plus a stash of Hillary Clinton’s emails that are rumored to be in the archives of a Ukrainian e-company called CrowdStrike.
As my fellow Quoran Jill Grant says in her answer (regarding that rumored stash of Clinton’s emails):
“He just can’t let that last election go.”
So basically, it is not that Trump talked to Kelensky that is grounds for impeachment.
It’s the motive of the conversation (in this case, asking a foreign head of state to essentially assist Trump in winning a second term by hurting an opponent) and the Mafia don-like behavior that is impeachable behavior.


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