Refuting Conservative Dogma (Yet Again): Will you secretly vote for Trump even though you are a life-long liberal/centrist?

On Quora, an anonymous Trump supporter asks:

Will you secretly vote for Trump even though you are a life-long liberal/centrist?
My reply:
No. Why should I?
First of all, Donald J. Trump is perhaps the worst person elected to the Presidency in my lifetime; his personal behavior (both public and private), his actions as Chief Executive, his Administration’s policies, and his Cabinet picks have lowered the standing of the United States in the eyes of the world. I do not like the man or what he stands for, so why should I vote for him and betray my core values as an American citizen?
Second, there’s no way on Earth that I will vote for any Republican candidate at the national level, considering how low the Republican Party has sunk in its bid to win a “permanent majority” in Congress and win control of the Supreme Court for the so-called “conservative movement.” When the Legislative Branch of Congress’ upper house is led by a man who is publicly unwilling to protect our election infrastructure from foreign interference and soils the reputation of the Republican Party by enabling the worst President in my lifetime, and when my own Congressional representative votes with Trump 90% (or more) of the time, I only feel revulsion and anger toward the GOP.
So, no, Mr. or Ms. Anonymous. As a person with integrity, a strong moral code, and a sincere love of country, I will not betray my values to vote for Donald Trump.


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