Talking About Conservative Propaganda, Part V: Replying to 'Is one new rule that Pelosi is now more powerful than the President and that he now works for her?'

On Quora, David Bolick, a conservative troll who has been edit-blocked for violating site rules, asks this sarcastic and insincere question about Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA):
Is one new rule that Pelosi is now more powerful than the President and that he now works for her?
My reply to Mr. Bolick:
One of the basic principles that all Americans are taught in school is that the Federal government is divided into three equal but separate branches, each one with powers and responsibilities specified in the Constitution. This was designed so that one branch would not become more dominant than the others.
The three branches are:
The Executive Branch, which includes the President, the Cabinet and the various Departments that run the day-to-day government operations. (Example of a Cabinet-level Department: the State Department, which handles our diplomatic efforts overseas).
The Legislative Branch, which consists of a bicameral (two-chamber) legislature collectively called the U.S. Congress. The lower house is called the House of Representatives; its members represent districts in their home states and are allocated per the population of each state. The upper house is called the Senate, which consists of two Senators from each state in the Union. Congress collects taxes, writes and passes laws, and acts as a counterbalance to the Executive Branch.
The Judicial Branch: Nine Justices are appointed for life for seats in the Supreme Court, which interprets the laws and makes decisions based upon (theoretically) sound and logic understanding of our legal system and the Constitution of the U.S. The Supreme Court also acts as an arbiter in instances where the Legislative Branch and the Executive are at loggerheads.
Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is the current Speaker of the House since the Democratic Party holds the majority of the seats in the House of Representatives.
In no way, shape, or form is she the “boss of President Trump.” Rather, she is his co-equal in the Legislative Branch.
Now, please stop posting insincere and annoying questions based on your personal biases. Sarcastic questions are not welcome.


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