Talking About Conservative Propaganda, Part III: Trump's Promises to Cure AIDS and Cancer If Elected

On Quora, Tyler Hoffman asked recently:

What do you think about Trump’s promise to eradicate AIDS if he is re-elected?

My reply:

What do I think about President Donald Trump’s hyperbolic promises to eradicate AIDS and cancer if he is re-elected?
I think it’s a typical Trump hokum.
It’s on par with “We will build a great, beautiful wall on the southern border, and Mexico will pay for it.”
It’s on par with Trump’s long-lived insistence that Barack Obama was not a U.S. citizen.
It’s on par with “If and when the Vatican is attacked, the pope would only wish and have prayed that Donald Trump would have been elected president.”
It’s on par with his claim that on September 11, 2001, Trump personally witnessed “thousands of Muslims” in New Jersey celebrate as the Twin Towers burned and fell across the river in Manhattan.
In other words, I think he’s no better than a snake oil salesman trying to peddle his wares as the cures to everything from the common cold to gout to cancer.
He’s a sleazeball.


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