On Writing & Storytelling: 'Reunion: A Story' is Complete (Finally)

© 2018 Alex Diaz-Granados and Kindle Create

 Well, looks like as of tonight (March 13, 2023), the revisions I made this weekend to Reunion are "in the system and visible on Kindle, or at least on the online Kindle that is available on browsers via Amazon. 

The revisions might have gone live as early as last night had I not kept noticing more small, hard-to-spot mistakes in my first published work of fiction. The goofs were so tiny and scattered throughout the 41-page novella (or long short story) that they didn't jump out at me right away when I first re-read Reunion on Kindle back in 2018.

I was spurred into action after I received an email from my former journalism prof at Miami-Dade Community College, letting me know that he liked the book — he obviously bought it a little while ago — but that he had spotted a few things that needed fixing. 

Of course, I went into copy editor mode and spooled up my Kindle Create app to make the corrections and revisions. First, my former journalism professor was my mentor when I was in college, and I did not want to disappoint him. He is the kind of person who looks out for his students and former proteges, and I knew his advice was well-meant and from the heart. 

Second, I take writing seriously. I don't have many talents or skills, but I am proud of the ones I possess. And because I take pride in my work, I try to work as hard as I can to produce good stories. It doesn't matter if it's a blog post, a movie script, a haiku, or a short story; if it's a writing project meant to be read or seen, I put my best effort into it. 

So, that's why I worked until 9 AM on the revisions for a story I started (unwittingly) to write in 1987. 

Because I'm a writer. 

Because I care about my craft.

 Because I care about the reader. 

And because I care about the story. 

You can check Reunion: A Story out for free by clicking here. 


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