On Writing & Storytelling: I FINALLY Received My Copy of the Revised Edition of 'Reunion: A Story'

Well, here it is...Reunion: A Story (2nd Rev. Ed.) Photos by the author.

 Nearly 40 years after my high school graduation...

37 years after I first wrote the dream sequence which became the foundation for Reunion....

And 25 years after I first cobbled Reunion together in my Miami bedroom while listening to the soundtracks from Titanic and Saving Private Ryan...

The saga of Reunion: A Story is now complete. 

Today, the paperback edition of the revised version of my novella arrived from Amazon, thus ending the nine-day-long process of fixing some issues that were present in the original 2018 edition. Both the Kindle and print editions are now in sync, plus Reunion now has a better, more story-centered cover., a Table of Contents, a copyright page, a new dedication, and an epigraph! 

For a longer post on this topic, please go here!


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