On Writing and Storytelling: It's Official! The Revisions are Done, and 'Reunion: A Story' is Now Live on Amazon! (Now, Buy a Copy...Please!)

The paperback edition's new cover. © 2018 Alex Diaz-Granados

 After seven days of proofreading, revising, uploading fixes, and then waiting for the edits to “take,” the second edition of Reunion: A Story is live and available on Amazon as both a Kindle e-book or traditional paperback.

It took longer than I expected, but that’s because I had to repeat the process several times; every time I thought, “Oh, good. Everything looks fine. I’m done,” I would wait till Amazon emailed me to let me know my book was “live” in Kindle Direct Publishing’s (KDP) servers and ready to order. I would then read Reunion, find more mistakes I’d missed on the previous copy-editing pass, unpublish the book from Amazon, and start over.

Well, with all those uploads, one on top of the other, the updating slowed to a crawl, and the edits only appeared on the Kindle version in small increments and over a period of four days.

The view from the Kindle Create app. Notice that it shows a preview of how Reunion will look on a Kindle-compatible tablet. 

But around 7 PM Eastern Daylight Time, I was on the browser version of Kindle (that’s the one that Amazon shoppers can use when they’re in Amazon itself but want to read the book they just bought in a digital format) and noticed that now the Table of Contents reflected the version in the Kindle Create app I used to make and upload the fixes to Reunion.

It had not looked that way this morning or even this afternoon. But it sure does now!

I have not checked the version on my Kindle Fire HD tablet, but I think it, too, has the final revisions in its copy of Reunion.

This was a tiring, enervating, and sometimes frustrating experience, but it was worth it. The book looks more polished, and each edition has a cool new cover. And sales of the Kindle e-book have gone up a bit. That’s always nice!

You can order the paperback edition here!


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