Bloggin' On: My Fall Reading List & Not-So-Random Thoughts

Image by Lubos Houska, Pixabay
Hello again and welcome to another installment of Bloggin' On, an occasional feature here in A Certain Point of View where I'll just prattle on about stuff that doesn't fall into the established categories of my blog (namely, reviews, political commentary, or updates about my literary or film projects).

It's Friday, October 25, 2019, and it's a typically warm and muggy "fall" morning here in my corner of Florida. Currently, the temperature outside is 82℉ (28℃) under partly sunny skies. The humidity level is 85%, giving us an "endless summer" feels-like temperature of 91℉ (33℃). I' should try to get out and get fresh air and sunlight, but I'm not fond of humid heat, so I'll just stay indoors in the cool confines of my current domicile.

So, what am I reading this month, you ask? Take a seat, relax, and enjoy your favorite beverage while I share my October reading list.

Okay, so recently I finished reading this book by Timothy Zahn, although I must admit that I skimmed through parts of it so I could review it:

Cover art by: Two Dots Studio. © 2019 Del Rey Books and Lucasfilm Ltd. (LFL)

I'm also starting Harry Turtledove's Ruled Britannia, an alternate history novel that depicts an England occupied by Spain after the Spanish Armada beats the English navy in 1588.  Set nine years after the Spanish conquista of Britain, Turtledove's story centers on political intrigue and London's theatrical community as William Shakespeare is embroiled in a clever plot to spark a rebellion to restore Queen Elizabeth to the throne and end Spanish rule over the "scepter'd isle."

© 2002 New American Library
I just got that one yesterday, so I am not far enough into the book to write a review, but from what I have read, Ruled Britannia will be a fun read, full of cool references to the Bard of Avon's works and a well-crafted tale by the Nebula Award-winning author of Guns of the South and other alternate history stories.

And because I tend to switch my attention from one book to another rather than just focus on one at a time, I'm still making my way through Rick Atkinson's The British Are Coming: The War for America, Lexington to Princeton, 1775-1777. 

I have not one but two editions of this first volume of Atkinson's Revolution Trilogy: the hardcover edition and the 21-CD audiobook:

© 2019 Henry Holt and Company

© 2019 Rick Atkinson. ℗ 2019 Macmillan Audio 
I also will sometimes leaf through a random book from my bookshelves or nightstand, including books that I've reviewed here in A Certain Point of View. And every so often I'll treat myself to a new book from Amazon. To me, reading is as addictive as crack cocaine is to drug users, except reading has no negative consequences to mind, body, or spirit.

I still haven't gotten around to playing Strategic Command WWII: World at War, or WAW for short. I have been watching thehistoricalgamer's channel on YouTube to learn more about the game and to see a true war game buff play, but if I'm going to write a decent review, I have to spend more time playing WAW. So maybe I'll carve out some gaming time this weekend to do just that. It really depends on my mood, though, so we'll see what develops.

Well, that's it for this installment of Bloggin' On.  It's been an hour since I started writing this post, and now my stomach is saying that it's time for lunch. So, until next time, I'll catch you guys on the sunny side!


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