Talking About Politics: Why did I vote for Hillary Clinton, and what do I think about President Trump?" (Quora Answer)

This question appeared on my Quora feed today. I've answered variants of it on the questions-and-answers site several times already, but I haven't chosen a good topic for today's blog post, so here goes:

To the people who voted for Clinton during the 2016 election, why did you choose to vote for her in the first place, and what do you think of the current president of the United States, Donald Trump? Do you support him now?
I voted for Hillary Clinton because, after being a lawyer, First Lady of Arkansas, First Lady of the United States, junior Senator from New York, and former Secretary of State, she was far more qualified, smarter, and far better prepared for the Presidency than Donald J. Trump.
As for what I think of the current President: He is absolutely the worst President ever elected to the office. He’s a con man, a divisive person who - despite the public image he has cultivated as a dealmaker and successful businessman - is not as wealthy or successful as he pretends to be. He doesn’t have a shred of Presidential gravitas or style; his lack of diplomatic tact and disrespect for his opponents even makes Richard M. Nixon look like a saint.
Do I support President Trump? No. I do not. He’s a bully, a narcissist, and if the allegations about his dealings with Russia prove to be true (and I honestly believe they are), a traitor to the United States of America.


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