Talking About Politics: My Recent Email to Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY)

Dear Senator McConnell,
I'm not one of your constituents; I live in Florida, which like your home state of Kentucky is a Republican-controlled state. I'm also not Republican; I used to be an independent until recently. Now I'm a Democratic Party member, although I am always open to voting for Republicans if candidates merit it.
I know that you are probably going to ignore me for the reasons I listed above. But I'm a loyal and patriotic American citizen, born and raised in the USA. My parents were legal immigrants; I found my late mom's old INS paperwork and her 1996 certificate of citizenship. You, sir, are the Senate Majority Leader. So please, hear me out.
We, Democrats, are willing to vote for more money for border security if it is spent wisely on more personnel and surveillance drones. We do NOT, as you often claim, want "open borders." Immigrants do need to be vetted and, if necessary, sent back to their country of origin. What we DON'T want, though, is a border wall that will cost way more than $5 billion. It will not deter immigrants, legal or otherwise, from coming to the U.S. It is just a useless monument to Republican fearmongering and grandstanding to please a xenophobic portion of our population.
I respectfully urge you to stop the insanity. Work with your Democratic colleagues in Congress and end the shutdown. 800,000 federal workers are not being paid. SNAP benefits are not being sent. People are going to have a hard time paying their bills and feeding their kids.
Well, sir, I've said my piece. I probably won't hear back from you, but as a U.S. citizen, I did my part and made my voice heard.
Alex Diaz-Granados


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