Bloggin' On: An Update

Hi, there, Dear Reader!

Well, last time we talked, I told you what my plans were for this week regarding "A Certain Point of View." They were, you'll recall, modest in scope; I'm not working on any big literally projects at the moment, so I've pretty much decided to focus on the blog until I can get my shit together as a writer and crank out a story I can be proud of no matter what the format is; ideally I'd like to do a novel, but every time I've started working on one, I either listen to bad advice from well-meaning people or I become intimidated by the prospect. And, yes, I know; novels, short stories, and screenplays don't write themselves. Either I write one, or I should stop calling myself a writer and give up. I'd rather write one - even if it's bad - than admit defeat. But until I can figure out what story I want to tell, I'll stick to the blog and see if I can get it to the 1000-posts mark.

Anyway, about those plans I announced last week: I said I would attempt to write at least five reviews from a list that looked like this:

  1.   Baseball: A Film by Ken Burns - Inning Seven: The Capital of Baseball (1950-1960)
  2.   The Path Between the Seas: The Creation of the Panama Canal 1870-1914
  3.   The War of 1812: A Forgotten Conflict
  4.   Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire (Dark Horse Comics graphic novel)
  5.   To Be Determined
I'm pleased to announce that as of today, I can check off three of the four named products on that to-do checklist. Since Monday, I have written: 

  1. Book Review: The Path Between the Seas: The Creation of the  Panama Canal 1870-1914
  2. Book Review: The War of 1812: A Forgotten Conflict (Bicentennial Edition)
  3. Book Review: Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire (Dark Horse Comics TPB)  
I'm not sure if I'll review The Capital of Baseball tomorrow or choose another media product to write about. I do need to get all of the episodes (or innings) of Baseball: A Film by Ken Burns done; I just dislike the logistics of the review process. We'll see what develops, as the old Polaroid commercials used to say.  


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